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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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Title: Home Heating Oil Terms You Must Know 1 Of 2

Author: John Bogdanski

Home Heating Oil terminology that can save you money

1. Budget Plans

Scheduled payments by the consumer to the heating oil company
that is based on a calculated gross usage volume of oil used
based on history. Normally it runs over an 11 month period. Some
more progressive oil companies offer it over a full 12 months.
This is good for the oil company since it spreads out their cash

PRO: It's good for the home owner since it also spreads out
their cash flow over the year so they don't have big payments 2
or 3 times a year.

CON: If the oil company isn't in good financial health they can
spend that money and when heating season comes around, they
don't have the money so they can't buy oil and the home owner is
out the cash and out the oil. This has become a big problem all
around the country.

2. Will Call

This is the term the heating oil companies use for consumers
that call in when they want a delivery. According to the
companies this type of customer is the lowest on the totem pole.
They figure a will call, calls around for the best price and has
no loyalty to any company or they have no money.

PRO : You can shop around and if the market is cooperating you
can make choices for who to buy from and what to pay for your
oil. This can hurt you or help you depending on the swing in the
oil market.

CON: You don't get a chance to establish a relationship with an
oil company. Like any other business if they know you or if
you're a long time customer they usually treat you better,
respond to you faster and work to make you happy and keep you a
satisfied customer.

3. Additives to Fuel

This is a combination of petroleum distillates that keeps the
fuel fresher longer. The current heating oil is a lower quality
fuel then the fuel from years past and the lower quality creates
havoc on your heating system. (the new fuel goes through a
cracking process that destabilizes it)

It will also reduce the amount of sludge that builds up in your
tank, conditions the fuel to burn better (more efficiently)
reduces the chances for the oil to freeze and gel at low
temperatures and reduces the corrosion in your oil tank.

PRO : The right combination of petroleum distillates works
wonders on the quality of the fuel and the wear and tear on your
equipment. Service issues, tank problems, fuel efficiency,
gelling and fouling issues are all reduced and almost a thing of
the past.

CON: Some people call it snake oil and in many cases they are
right. Unless you are using a top grade, certified and tested
product (really tested) it's easy to pay a lot of money for
essentially nothing but marketing magic. You need to know which
ones work and which ones don't. OR you end up wasting your money
and putting your entire heating system at risk.

NOTE: If you're using the right stuff it works like magic and
the additive is worth it's weight in gold. I've seen lot's of
smoke and mirrors from using the US navy as a reference to
beautiful packaging that surrounds a substance that doesn't do a
darn thing.

About the author:
For more information on Home Heating Oil Prices and energy
solutions, visit <a
href="">Home Heating Oil
Prices </a> Do your research,save yourself some money. John
Bogdanski a renegade Oil Heat marketing executive, rips open the


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